Synopsis of GUARFS Grant Applications for 2024-25

Research Grants

Thomas Brewer

McDonough School of Business
Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding: Emerging Catastrophe for the US East Coast

The research will assess the problems and solutions for sea level rise and coastal flooding along the US East Coast. Local adaptation measures will be evaluated with experts at universities, research institutes, and governments.

Hans Engler

Mathematics and Statistics
Organization of a Session of SIAM Dynamical Systems Conference

The session is for the annual meeting of a scholarly association. The research topic is how mathematics can identify conditions and scenarios under which changes in the natural environment reach ‘tipping points’ (e.g., deforestation, melting glaciers).

Lawrence Kromer

School of Medicine, Neuroscience
Role of Axon Guidance Molecules in the Development of Autism

The research will study how brain development is affected by disruptions in the activity of specific cell surface molecules that appear to result in autistic behaviors.

Lucy Maddox

Forms of Care: Quakers, Hoodoo, and the Flight from Slavery on Maryland’s Eastern Shore

The research is about the history in the mid-1800s in the Maryland Eastern Shore of efforts by Quakers and conjuring to aid fugitives from slavery, based on archival documents not heretofore studied.

Susan Martin

School of Foreign Service, Institute for the Study of Migration
Welcoming Immigrants to Washington State

The research is about how to increase the economic, social, and civic engagement of immigrants in Washington State. The project is to be conducted in association with the League of Women Voters.

David Painter

School of Foreign Service, History
Guardian of the Gulf

The research is part of ongoing research about oil and world power in the 20th century, utilizing archives from the period 1980-1991.

Edith Brown Weiss

Georgetown University Law Center, International Law and Policy
Changing the Weather

The research is about geoengineering, which is efforts by governments or commercial actors to modify the weather and possibly to counteract climate change.

Personal Development for Community Service Grants

GU Retirees inaugurated a new type of grant this year. It is grants for Personal Development for Community Service. The objective of the new grants program is to enable GU retirees to grow and develop in their retirement while also contributing to the well-being of communities. The award is for $500 for one year. One grant has been made for academic year 2024-25.

Ioan Suciu

Business Manager and Assistant Director, Georgetown University Press
Christian Tour and Church Pilgrimage in Greece

The project is to lead a tour for members of the Holy Cross Romanian Orthodox Church to Greece for visits to religious, educational, and cultural sites. The belief is that “facing retirement as a spiritual journey allows us to grow in service to others.”