Opportunities for Retired Faculty

Teaching in the Georgetown University Learning Community

Georgetown University Association of Retired Faculty and Staff (GUARFS) offers 12 courses consisting of 3 classes of 90 minutes each during the academic year. Faculty for these classes are drawn from the pool of retired faculty. If you have a topic, an idea, or a research area you would be willing to explore in one of our classes, please contact the
President of GUARFS.

Support for Research and Publication:

Small grants to support research and publication expenses of retired Georgetown University Main-Campus faculty ($700 each year) are awarded by the Provost, on the recommendation of the GUARFS Executive Council.

Teaching in Liberal Studies Degree Programs:

Emeriti interested in continued teaching in the School of Continuing Studies are encouraged to confer with the dean responsible for the MALS and DLS programs and/or with the dean presently in charge of the BALS program.